Eye & Ear Protection

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Choose your Eye & Ear Protection

Ear Muff Defenders
Ear Plugs
Helmet Mounted Ear Defenders
Safety Glasses
Safety Visors
Safety Glasses Accessories

Certain work environments require eye and ear protection due to loud noises or working around harmful substances. At Hunt Office Ireland we have your protective needs covered amongst our range of eye and ear protection.
Our ear protection includes ear muff defenders, ear plugs, helmet mounted ear defenders and ear protection hygiene kits - ideal for schools when the children share headphones.
Within the eye protection collection you can choose from safety glasses or visors, available in a variety of shapes and sizes to ensure comfort as well as protection. Shop eye and ear protection today to make sure yourself and your staff are safe.


Here's what our customers are saying...

3M Peltor Optime II Ear Muff Defenders 31dB Noise Reduction Ear Muffs Black - Quality ear protectors for noise-hazard environments - Approved to EN352-1 for overhead wear
  Very Comfortable Fit!  
  "Good quality ear defenders from 3m, great for blocking out noise. Very comfortable fit, easy to use these ear defenders over long periods."  
 Edward .Cork  
3M Optime I Headband Ear Defenders Noise Level Reduction 26dB Yellow - Lightweight for user comfort - Highly visible for your added safety - Approved to EN352-1 for overhead wear
  Very Happy !  
  "Very happy with the Noise Level Reduction it was something i had to find over my job and it has helped me and there not the most expensive ear muff's"  
Gerard from Kilarney  
3M Peltor Optime II Ear Muff Defenders 31dB Noise Reduction Ear Muffs Black - Quality ear protectors for noise-hazard environments - Approved to EN352-1 for overhead wear
  Good Quality Ear Defenders !  
  "If you are looking for good quality ear defenders I would recommend this product from 3m. The price isn't bad however it's worth paying a small bit extra to buy the 3m brand because from my experience they will last years. Good price and service."  
SP Sonis 1 Ear Defenders SNR 27 Low Attenuation
  Great Range!  
  "The Sonis range is great with a 37 SNR!!They are hygienic and from what I can see will suit many applications"  


3M Virtua AP Classic Line Safety Glasses Spectacles Clear Lens 7151200
  Provides Extreme Protection!  
  "Great price anti-UV spectacles clear lens. Contoured wrap-around lens shape for maximum eye coverage. Polycarbonate with a hardium casing provides extreme protection from abrasion. Thanks huntoffice"  
Martcare Impact Safety Goggles High-resistance Polycarbonate Lens
  Very Comfortable!  
  "Lightweight and vented, so comfortable to wear. I have to wear all day so I'm very happy with these . "  
Margaret Lane  
Overspec Safety Glasses Protection Spectacles
  Over Glasses - Good Protection!  
  "Do exactly what they say - fits well over my own glasses and a high level of protection"  


Joan Marron  
Bolle Bandido Clear Safety Glasses with Anti-scratch Coating
  Comfortable To Wear!!  
  "Love these glasses so comfortable to wear. Delivered with few other bits before they were due! Thanks Hunt Office"  


3M 1100B Uncorded Hypoallergenic Foam Ear Plugs Dispensing Bottle containing 500 Ear Plugs
  Excactly What We Needed!  
  "In our joinery compnay, wearing ear plugs is a must as our machinary is very noisy. These foam tapered design ear plugs are excactly what we needed and our admin office also order office supplies from huntoffice on there site."  
3M Ear Plug Dispenser Wall Mounted EAR PD01000
  Ear Plug Dispenser Definitely A Must!  
  "If you use earplugs in your business then a ear plug dispenser is definitely a must. We always use 3m safety products including ear plugs which is why I need to buy a 3m ear plug dispenser."  
Mary Brouder  
3M Ear Plugs PVC Uncorded Noise Level Reduction 36dB Pack 250 - Soft foam moulds comfortably to ear - Disposable and easy to use - Conforms to EN352-2
  So Effective!  
  "I use these 3m pvc uncorded ear plugs in the workshop when working with any noisy machinery that could damage my hearing. Before I started using the 3m pvc un corded ear plugs I was using a different brand of corded ear plugs but did not find them as effective as these ones. Thanks Huntoffice."  
Maria O Neill  
3M Ear Plug Dispenser Wall Mounted EAR PD01000
  5 stars!  
  "Very handy product, with the loud machinery on our factory floor we have the 3m ear plug dispenser located on the wall so you can get your ear plugs before entering the factory floor. The dispenser makes also makes it easy to know when we're running out of ear plugs."