Electronic Calculators

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Basic Calculators
Desktop Calculator
Scientific Calculators
Printing Calculator & Adding Machine
Calculator Ink Rollers
Calculator Paper Rolls

Calculators & Accessories

Welcome to the Huntoffice.ie Calculators & Accessories category.

Today, almost every household in the UK has at least one calculator within its walls. Since the 1970’s their accessibility has increased while the cost of calculators has simultaneously dropped and are now used daily by millions of people worldwide.  Modern day calculators can range in size from a bulky desktop version that has an in-built printer to a miniature model that can fit inside your wallet. Early calculator models were bulky items that had to be plugged in to the mains to operate. This was the case until the mid 1980’s when advancements in technology such as rechargeable batteries and smaller microchips revolutionised the design.

Here at Huntoffice UK, we have a calculator suitable for all functions. Whether you are looking for a basic model for school work or a scientific calculator designed to calculate science, engineering, and mathematics equations. You will find them here at the Huntoffice Calculator and Accessories online UK store.

We have made searching for a suitable calculator easier by dividing the category into the following sub categories.

Basic Calculators 

Desktop Calculator  

Scientific Calculators

Printing Calculator & Adding Machine

Financial Calculator   

Calculator Ink Rollers & Ribbons  

Calculator Mains Adapters 

Calculator Paper Rolls 

Basic Calculators

Our selection of basic calculators are lightweight and easy to operate. They can be used anywhere and by anyone. They are commonly used in schools and businesses where simple calculations are required. In recent years the majority of basic calculators are both solar and battery operated which guarantees long lasting performance.  You will find your favourite brands like Casio, Citizen and Sharp in our online store.

Desktop Calculator 

Looking a super-sized basic calculator? Maybe you find it hard to read the numbers on the standard basic version or maybe you regularly mishit the smaller buttons resulting in you having to clear the entry and starting from scratch. Problems like this are very frustrating but thankfully we have a large selection of desktop calculators that will help eradicate the problem. Desktop calculators are also ideal for people who tot up large lists of numbers such as accountants as the buttons are larger and you can read the numbers on screen without having to strain your eyes. We stock 8, 10 and 12 digit models. 

Calculator Accessories

If you already own a calculator and need to get new supplies and accessories, then you have come to the right place as we have Calculator Ink Rollers & Ribbons, Calculator Mains Adapters  and Calculator Paper Rolls  suitable for all the leading brands like Casio, Sharp, Canon and Aurora.