Take mobility to the next level with an iPad or tablet from Hunt Office Ireland. If your job requires you to walk around whilst needing online information on hand, such as motorsales or as an estate agent, a tablet is ideal. Our range of iPads and tablets available are from a range of leading manufacturers, including Apple, Microsoft, Lenovo and Acer.
● Screen size - iPads and tablets come in a variety of sizes, from compact 7.9 inches to a larger 12.3 inches, depending on what you will be predominately using your device for should help you decide what size screen you require.
● Wi-Fi or cellular - will you be frequently travelling out of the office with your tablet? If so, you may need to consider a cellular iPad or tablet that connects via 3G and 4G, as opposed to relying solely on wi-fi.
● Keyboard - if your role consists of a lot of documentation and writing, a tablet with a keyboard may be useful. Tablets with detachable keyboards give you all the benefits of a laptop, just lighter and even easier to transport. Explore tablets and iPads for sale today at Hunt Office. Our diverse range of devices means we’re sure to have something suitable for you.